About Jani
Jani Cousins is a hard-working and determined high school student in Washington, D.C., who has a passion for raising her voice about what is right and just.
Jani is a student advocate for affordable housing in DC. She created this user-friendly website to provide information and assistance to people who need help finding affordable housing.
She is a student ambassador to the DC-area nonprofit group Tech Turn Up, which she partnered to launch this project. She previously served as her school’s student government representative and currently interns at the DC Attorney General’s Office, through non-profit Group Mikva Challenge’s Student Safety Justice Council.
Jani often speaks publicly on public housing issues and volunteers in other capacities in her community.
Jani was born and raised in Washington, D.C., and she loves shopping and spending time with her family and dogs. She plans to attend a four-year college after high school and has a strong love for Chocolate.